
If you were raised in a household by parents who instilled the value of investing and saving towards retirement beginning at a young age, you are a rarity. According to Greenwald Research, a market research company based in D.C, most American workers “haven’t thought through what they want to do”. This eye-opening study was conducted to see how the average American feels about retirement planning and people from all walks of life and all ages were included in the study.

Further research was conducted by the NIRS, National Institute on Retirement Security, and the results showed that half of U.S. households “will not have enough retirement income to maintain their standard of living in retirement”. These are scary findings, but the good news is it’s never too late to start saving towards retirement or improve your current financial plan. 

Alloy Wealth Management helps clients design a comprehensive retirement plan to help grow, preserve, and protect assets. Our experts at Alloy Investment Management help enable clients to put together an investment portfolio that best reflects their risk tolerance, time horizon, and goals.

You’ve heard the expression, “people don’t know what they don’t know”. When we work with someone who was once overwhelmed by the thought of investing and help them understand the ins and outs of investment management principles and strategies, we remove the guesswork and emotion from investment decisions. 

Currently only 35% of Americans work with financial advisors. We want to change that, and you can help. Share this blog with someone you know and love, and recommend they reach out to us for a free consultation. 800-689-3935