No Buy 2025 is a no shopping trend that began in January of this year. Those who initially took on the challenge did so to tackle holiday debt. But now the trend has evolved, and many Americans are doing the No Buy 2025 challenge to take a stand against consumerism. Let’s face it, we live in a gluttonous society. If you have ever traveled abroad, you know that the average European believes that less is more. They own less clothing, they eat less food, their homes are smaller, and they prioritize a healthy work-life balance. The average American wants more of everything. We overindulge in food and drink, we work too much and spend more than we can afford, and boy, do we love to produce waste.

No Buy 2025 is gaining in popularity because of concerns over the economy. Most Americans feel that the economy is not improving. In fact, the fear of increased tariffs resulting in higher prices is a driving force behind people wanting to learn to live modestly. Adhering to a strict spending plan takes effort. To forego all unnecessary spending means having to say no when a friend wants you to go out to dinner because you planned meals for the week. To succeed in your No Buy efforts, you must refrain from booking an extra round of golf during the month if you budgeted for just one. You get the point. No Buy 2025 is about making better financial choices. 

Does taking on the no shopping challenge mean giving up everything you love? That’s up to you. The stricter you are the more money you’ll save but you’ll want to make your No Buy experience one that you will stick with. Giving up everything all at once is a recipe for disaster. You can adhere to the no shopping challenge by limiting frivolous spending and budgeting for essentials and entertainment, within reason. Think like a European. Try public transportation to save on gas. Make your coffee at home and take your lunch to work with you. Plan meals and enjoy a night out as a rare occasion. And stop spending money on things you don’t need. Less can be more once you get the hang of it.