Insurance and retirement income aren’t commonly thought of as things that go together. Yet today’s insurance can do more than offer financial protection from challenging life events. There are new insurance products and policies that can provide guaranteed income in retirement, in a tax-advantaged way. Alloy Wealth Management offers Insurance Services and has access to nearly every carrier and every kind of insurance. Whether whole life insurance, universal life insurance, an annuity, or variable life insurance we make our recommendations after comparing features and premium prices to help clients manage risks while potentially achieving their financial goals.
Not all insurance products and policies provide lifetime income in retirement so it’s important to work with an experienced professional who can educate you on your options before deciding. Will you need a policy that provides spousal transfer? Or a policy that can cover long-term care expenses? What about a policy that can provide income as well as a death benefit? Today’s insurance offers choices but deciding on your own can be overwhelming because the choice you make will directly impact your financial future. Count on Alloy Wealth Management for insurance services that can help ensure a more comfortable retirement. 800-689-3935