An estate plan can help ensure assets are distributed among heirs the way a person chooses, designate beneficiaries, name an executor or trustee, etc. but only when the plan is prepared correctly, signed, and notarized properly, and regular estate plan reviews are performed.

“Do-it-yourself estate plan” websites are problematic because mistakes can easily be made when purchasing and filling out legal documents online. When no estate planning expert is involved in the process of creating a will, power of attorney, living will, and other components of an estate plan there’s no guarantee the individual understands the documents, or what else may be needed to protect assets and loved ones from having to go through the probate process. 

Working with an expert is best and Alloy Wealth Management founder Mark Henry has experience in estate planning. We work with fee-based attorneys to create all the documents needed, get them properly filed, and explain in detail what each document means so loved ones and executors will know what to do when the time comes. We will also explain how a trust differs from a will and discuss insurance policies that may help transfer wealth with tax-efficiency. Whether you have an estate plan that you created online, or one that was professionally drafted, keep in mind 

  1. A will isn’t enough to keep loved ones out of court or protect assets from creditors. 
  2. Trusts can offer an easier transfer of assets from one person to another. 
  3. Naming beneficiaries on individual policies and assets takes precedence over trust or will documents. 
  4. Life changes like marriage, divorce, a death, or a birth will require changes to an estate plan. As will a change in financial status, or relocation.

Call 800-689-3935 to schedule an initial estate planning appointment or estate plan review and update.