
Successful business owners understand the importance of empowering employees. Well-trained and appreciated employees are not only better at their jobs, they’re also happier. When someone loves what they do they show up on time and go the extra mile to make their bosses happy. Empowering your team is truly a win-win situation. 

Signs that employees aren’t feeling empowered are

  1. Too many sick days.
  2. Coming in late to work frequently.
  3. They are uncertain in their position and can’t function independently.
  4. There is no opportunity for growth.
  5. Workplace morale is low.

Fortunately, turning a negative workplace situation into a positive one is an easy fix. 

  1. Training, training, and more training. Confidence in the job stems from knowledge of the job and employees will only know what they’re taught.
  2. Set goals and deadlines. Be specific when communicating tasks to employees and let them know when work needs to be completed. 
  3. Offer feedback. When an employee is doing something great, tell them. When an employee needs to change their process, tell them. Giving feedback will help grow confidence and increase productivity.
  4. When mistakes happen, be kind. No matter the employee or the job, mistakes will happen. But how an employer reacts when a mistake is made by an employee directly impacts morale and productivity. Demonstrate a better process and then offer encouragement for moving forward. 

Empowering employees improves morale, productivity, and profits. Workhuman, a global CRM company (Client Relationship Management) lists the ways empowering employees also helps improve customer relationships and brand reputation.